Lake Michigan Charlevoix RemodelLake Michigan Charlevoix Remodel

Lake Michigan Charlevoix Remodel

Extensive remodel with addition at a beautiful spot on Lake Michigan

Charlevoix, MI
Elaine Keiser
Lake Michigan Charlevoix RemodelLake Michigan Charlevoix RemodelLake Michigan Charlevoix RemodelLake Michigan Charlevoix RemodelLake Michigan Charlevoix RemodelLake Michigan Charlevoix RemodelLake Michigan Charlevoix Remodel

Would you believe me if I told you this Charlevoix build is technically considered an addition and remodel! Seeing the behind the scenes of large scale projects like this is always impressive, but wait until you get to see the finished product.

Our team deconstructed the existing home, only saving minimal structure to use in the rebuild. Then they got to work on expanding the crawl space and foundation. From there, walls were raised and we got the outside protected from the elements before we could put up siding.

Lake Michigan Charlevoix Remodel

So they can have a beautiful view of Lake Michigan. There were many windows that needed to be installed. From there drywall got hung and we can see it start to look more and more like a house!

Our latest update shows the coffered ceilings being installed and some of the new tile work that was laid. Stay tuned to see more photos until we eventually have the final photos of the completed home.

Lake Michigan Charlevoix RemodelLake Michigan Charlevoix RemodelLake Michigan Charlevoix RemodelLake Michigan Charlevoix Remodel